Gesshin staring at the seireiseki sword.
This cel is from episode 36, when everyone was trying very hard to understand exactly how to use the seireiseki to level-up their ryus.
This is Galden, the Dark Knight. I know he's a rotton bastard, especially in the first half of the series. But, well, he's still pretty cool. And he's pretty good looking, esepcially in that one scene in the cave. . .. ^_^ Yeah, if I ever find a cel from THAT scene you can bet it'll be a very happy day in Jennifer World. UPDATE!! I DID GET CELS FROM THE CAVE! SEE BELOW!! Unfortunately his sword is covering half his face in this cel. I hope I can find a better one eventually. This one is from episode 36, while fighting Adeu and Sarutobi.
The leader of the "invasion force" (I can't ever remember his name) prepares to raise the Yamato. Episode 38.
Talk about the cels you never thought you would get! Not only one, but THREE cels from episode 39! And lovely, lovely Galden! Isn't he cute! He got a little boo-boo, and Adeu was nursing him back to health in a cave. When he woke up, he was alone, minus his shirt, cape, helmet, etc....yeah.
Gorgeous Galden! Uncharacteristically shocked/surprised look on his face. Look at his pretty eyes!! Look at his missing shirt! Look at Jennifer giggling like an idiot and dancing around like a loon because she got this cel! Episode 39, the cave scene. Happy day in Jennifer World. Major, major wishlist cel. Both of these Galden cels have some line fading, and this cel is actually creased in the upper right corner, but I don't care! I love them!
This is a "wishlist" ryuknight cel of mine. From episode 39, just after they left the cave and Sarutobi found them. Man, this episode was a doujinshi writer's dream. ^_-
This is from the very last scene of episode 40, a "flashback" episode where SD versions of the characters reviewed what had happened earlier in the series. In the very last scene, SD Adeu poked his head through the already black screen. Isn't it just SO very Looney Tunes? It's a pretty neat cel - the whole thing is painted black, except for the hole and Adeu's head.

This is a really nice couple of cels. Unfortunately, they're mismatched, and I really wish Adeu wasn't stuck to the back cel because Hittel has really nice eyes. From episode 41. SPOILERS -> This is from a scene where the white dragon has begun repairing himself, and Adeu and the others were just looking at the robots. <- END SPOILERS
I finally got a cel of Adeu wearing his Paladin armor. From episode 41, when Adeu was in the elevator on his way back up to jump off the roof again. But then he saw the Doom attacking on the other side of the city!
And now he's so proud and happy! Look at him, just BEAMING! Episode 41.
I was really lucky to get this cel from Nick's half-off sale. Since I ordered late I figured it would have been sold. It was lost in the miscellaneous section. Anyway, it's a wonderful scene of Gratches, wresting his seireiseki axe from its place into his posession. At one period in time this would seem to have been an oversized cel, but a previous owner chopped off the top and registration holes/numbers of the cel. They also used thumb tacks to hang it up somewhere, so there are four little holes in the corners. That's okay. It's mine now, and I'm going to take good care of it from now on. From episode 42.
This is from a scene where Adeu was being attacked by a bad guy using a powerful fire attack. The fire is pretty cool - it's painted on a separate cel. Instead of painting the whole cel in red tones, they seem to have used some kind of filter to make the scene red. Episode 43.
This is a nice, oversized cel of Sarutobi looking really angry. It's from episode 44, and Sarutobi is angry with Adeu about the whole Galden "thing".
Here's another spiffy cel of Steru, about to swing his mighty sword (eps 44). At least this mech doesn't have a HEART on the shield like the upgraded version of a certain priest. SPOILERS -> This is from late in the series when Galden was being controlled and used as a puppet by the Jaryuzoku. The red gem in the chest of the ryu was what was controlling him. <- END SPOILERS
I just like this doom because of the pretty pastel colors! What a girly mech! ^^ From episode 44, just about to be blasted by a fire attack from Paffy.
This is an AMAZING cel. I can't believe I was able to buy it! I'm always so late for website updates, but several days after it was uploaded it was fortunately still for sale at Taro. From episode 44, this might be considered one of the most important scenes in the series, and marked a turning point. SPOILERS -> Refusing to be used by Jaryuzoku, Galden turned his sword on himself and dug the red gem out of his chest. Then he attacked the enemy who had been using him, and the enemy impaled him on her sash weapon thing. He fell to the ground and lay there bleeding all over the place. This is that scene. Galden's show of self-sacrifice was the key that enabled most of the others to level-up their ryus. <- END SPOILERS
From soon after the cel above, this is Zephyr kneeling down over Galden, from the perspective of the attacking enemy. Just glancing at this cel you might think it was just the back of a mech. But as soon as I realized which scene it was from, I knew I should buy it! I wish it wasn't so completely stuck to the paper. Episode 44.
From episode 45 (one of the BEST episodes!). BOTH Gesshin AND Gratches have to pull Sarutobi away. Sarutobi is just a little obsessed with the whole revenge thing. I don't really blame him. I mean. . . SPOILERS -> I feel REALLY bad for him in this part of the series. Everyone has a nifty weapon and the ability to power up/fly except him, his was stolen by the one guy he wants dead, and then Adeu and everyone else are trying to PROTECT GALDEN. How can you blame Sarutobi for being angry? <- END SPOILERS