This is a nice scene from early in the series (episode 5). Sarutobi made some remarks about Adeu's dream of being the strongest knight, pointing out that there are a lot of stronger guys out there.
A cel of Gratches' ryu, Shinebaram. This is from almost his first appearance in episode 5 - Sarutobi took Adeu to see Gratches working out.
This is from a scene where Adeu was fighting against Gratches. Actually, technically speaking, it's from a scene when Adeu was getting his butt kicked by Gratches who didn't even need to use a ryu to do it either. Episode 5, used again beginning of episode 6.
This is a cute cel - I love the pose and the eyes. Sarutobi tells Adeu what an idiot he is. Episode 6.
I got a cute cel of Gratches and Canary (his pink bird). Poor Canary! Adeu, you wanted a fight? You've got one. Episode 6.
This is an amazing, awsome, WOW, I LOVE IT! cel of part of Gratches' summon sequence. WOW! WOW! WOW! Scanned against a black background to show off the airbrushing. First used episode 6.
That's it kid! Strech him 'til he squeaks like the little green rodent he is! Episode 7.
This is actually a pretty cool cel of Paffy's Ryu-mage Magidora doing a magical wind attack (airbrush effects). From episode 7.
Is it just me, or does Adeu look like he's about to chop the head off his Gallop in this cel? From episode 8, about to attack some fish-guys.
From near the beginning of episode 9, Haguhagu shows off his new phosphorescence.

This is so cute! According to the pencil it was a book cel. The layers are slightly mismatched, but that's okay. Adeu was just about to step into a trap in the floor. From episode 9.

This cel makes me laugh! Just a little explanation - there's a trap in the floor beneath Adeu full of spikes. I love the expressions on their faces! Slightly mismatched, but also cuter this way. From episode 9.
This is a really silly cel of Katze wearing a disguise to look like a female warrior in episode 9.
This is a cute cel of Paffy getting a little upset. She's scared to death of lizards. Look, and you can see the cute little red lizard in her right hand! From episode 10.
She only looks like a rip-off of Galaxia, but she's really an opressive overlord of an amazon nation who conquered the dwarves and made them into their slaves. Really. Episode 10.
Here's another really nice cel. You would not believe what I went through to separate this cel from the pencil. I scanned it against black to show off the special effects. This is a scene where Katze is fighting Jenova in episode 10. Okay, so here's what I don't get... SPOILERS -> In this episode Katze saves Adeu (and everyone else's) life and at the end of the episode everyone is really happy, right? And then, with no explanation, she disappears before the beginning of the next episode. But, the next time Katze shows up in episode 16, everyone acts likes she's this horrible cowardly person. And I'm thinking to myself, "What happened?" I just don't get it. <- END SPOILERS