Area 88

How Far to Paradise?

Area 88
by Kaoru Shintani

Character Illustrations


Comics and Manga





Other Works


About Kaoru Shintani




Last update: April 1, 2000!

Hello fellow Area 88 fans! This page is under heavy construction right now, but that's a GOOD thing!! I don't have much on the character information page yet except pictures, but I'm trying right now to add summaries for each of the translated comic books released by Viz/Eclipse. I've already finished the first 6, and I hope to finish the rest over the next couple of weeks. When I finish all 42 comic books, I'll also summarize the Animerica translations. In addition, I intend to summarize the Japanese manga starting from volume 9 on (the US translation went through volume 8, although volume 8 is one of the few Japanese issues I'm missing so I don't know exactly where the US translation left off). I'm still missing volumes 1,2,8,13, and 22 of the Japanese manga, but I hope to acquire those soon. I'd also like to review some of Shintani's other works. This is going to be THE Area 88 page for all your Area 88 (and Kaoru Shintani) needs. It'll take some time, but I'm excited about it right now, and I hope I can maintain that enthusiasm. Thanks to everyone who wrote to me about Area 88, and encouraged me to continue working on this page. I love you guys! ^_^ Jennifer

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Jennifer Califf <>

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